Trumpington Meadows Delivery & Action Group Ltd is a residents' association formed in 2020. It is a non-profit, limited company, whose members and directors are residents or homeowners of Trumpington Meadows. There are about 70 voting members; TMDAG also has a mailing list, which has about 100 subscribers.

Detailed information about our activities is currently available via Google Docs ; the information held there is gradually being transferred to this website.

TMDAG's objectives

Officially, TMDAG's objectives are as follows:

  • the promotion of the interests of the Members as residents of Trumpington Meadows
  • the promotion and development of a community spirit, including through the organisation of events
  • to organise the collection and storage of information about improving Trumpington Meadows
  • robustly ensuring that such information is acted upon
  • communicating results of such actions to Members

Other local organisations

Map of Trumpington Meadows Phases 1-11